For any business, a cloud services platform offers quick access to flexible and low cost IT resources. It is also offers a better cost effectiveness because you don’t need to make large upfront investments in hardware and spend time and money managing that hardware. You can use exactly the right type and size of computing resources you need to operate your IT business, and access as many resources as you need instantly and pay only for what you use.
- Variable Expense - Pay only what you use
- Lower Overall Cost - Lower variable cost than you can get on your own
- Saves on Capacity - No more guessing on your infrastructure capacity needs
- Increased Operational Speed - No unnecessary downloads and uploads
- No Maintenance Cost - It's included in the monthly cost
- Connectivity - Quickly deploys your application in multiple regions
Features and Highlights
- Service Based - Cloud operated, well-defined service interfaces
- Scalable and Elastic - Increase or decrease the service capacity as you need
- Metered by use - Usage metrics enable multiple payment models
- Shared - IT resources are used with maximum efficiency
- Internet Technologies - Faster access to technologies with internet protocol